UaláMobile App Design

Your financial world in a card and an app, voilà!

We worked alongside argentinian startup Ualá, a personal finance app that wanted to make a splash in the fintech scene, and revolutionize the way people handle their money in a country where only 50% of the population has a bank account.

Get things flowing

Along with Ualá’s team, we mapped users’ experience with payment and personal finance platforms by doing User Personas, Journeys, and Product Flows. This helped us clarify how to simplify and show what Ualá’s team wanted to offer on the app.




Sketchs about Zepl Website

All great ideas start on paper

Our “paper first” approach means that every screen, stage, and interaction gets sketched, drawn, dribbled, annotated, and critiqued before getting digitalized. This way we can test ideas quickly, iterating and refining the product on the go.

The end product speaks for itself

Where digital meets physical

An actual prepaid Mastercard card gives the product a way to exist outside of mobile platforms.

Where digital meets physical

An actual debit card gives the product a way to exist outside of mobile platforms.

A beautiful, convenient way of handling your money.

Putting transfers in the spotlight

We knew this would be the core feature, so it had to be at the center of the product.

Putting transfers in the spotlight

We knew this would be the core Ualá feature, so it had to be at the center of the product.

Tracking and managing expenses

By grouping purchases, payments, and operations by categories, we help users maintain visibility over where their money goes - helping Ualá’s tech team deliver the first personal financial management solution in the market.

Tracking and managing expenses

By grouping purchases, payments, and operations by categories, we help users maintain visibility over where their money goes.

Ualá, illustrated

We don’t just do illustrations. We define meaningful concepts and give them visual outputs.

Apple wasn’t built in a day

Good brands take time, great brands take effort. We work alongside our client to find the best ways to turn their ideas into reality.

Color me impressed

We worked on a greyscale sketch for a taste of Ualá’s updated color palette and… Boom! We had ourselves a logo.



Dodger Blue


Midnight Blue


Get it on



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